What's Happening This Week

Sports and Fitness
Passes and Rates
Gain access to our weight room, land and pool fitness classes, and gymnasium drop-ins, or splash in for a swim. Choose the pass that suits you best!

Passes and Rates
We have a variety of swim passes to suit your needs. We have a 65m and 25m pool, warm water and hydrotherapy pool and more. Splash in for a swim today!

Programs and Day Camps
We offer a variety of programs for parents and children, preschoolers, children, youth and adults. We also have a variety of day camps for ages 6 to 13.

Swim Lessons
Your safety in and around the water is important to us! Learn to swim and register for our swim lessons offered throughout the year.
Welcome to the
Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre
The Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre has been the primary sports and leisure facility of Brantford for over 50 years! The facility includes a four-pad arena, 65m and 25m pools, hydro therapy pool, warm water pool, sauna, 150 ft waterslide, dryland training room, gymnasium, fitness centre offering a wide variety of land and pool fitness classes, fully equipped weight room, a wide variety of special events throughout the year, and much more! Take a 360 degree virtual tour of the inside of our building.

Terrific Tuesdays
Join us on Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for a Public Swim for only $3.00!
What people are saying about us